compose 78 bytes
Create a composition of functions
In a composition of functions, each function is given the next function as an argument and must call it to continue executing.
import * as _ from 'radashi'
const useZero = (fn: any) => () => fn(0)const objectize = (fn: any) => (num: any) => fn({ num })const increment = (fn: any) => ({ num }: any) => fn({ num: num + 1 })const returnArg = (arg: any) => (args: any) => args[arg]
const composed = _.compose( useZero, objectize, increment, increment, returnArg('num'),)
composed() // => 2
This can be a little jarring if you haven’t seen it before. Here’s a broken down composition. It’s equivalent to the code above.
const decomposed = useZero(objectize(increment(increment(_.returnArg('num')))))
decomposed() // => 2