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Determine if a value is empty


Pass in a value and get a boolean telling you if the value is empty.

import * as _ from 'radashi'
_.isEmpty([]) // => true
_.isEmpty('') // => true
_.isEmpty('hello') // => false
_.isEmpty(['hello']) // => false

Empty values include:

  • null
  • undefined
  • 0
  • empty string
  • empty array
  • invalid Date time
  • object with length property of 0
  • object with size property of 0
  • object with no enumerable keys

Type Guards

In some cases, isEmpty acts as a type guard, which helps TypeScript infer more specific types based on the check.

Due to TypeScript limitations, object types cannot be narrowed, except for arrays and functions.

import * as _ from 'radashi'
// Example with string
const value1: string = ''
if (_.isEmpty(value1)) {
// TypeScript infers value1 as ''
console.log('Value is an empty string')
} else {
// TypeScript infers value1 as string
console.log('Value is a non-empty string')
// Example with array
const value2: string[] = []
if (_.isEmpty(value2)) {
// TypeScript infers value2 as never[]
console.log('Value is an empty array')
} else {
// TypeScript infers value2 as string[]
console.log('Value is a non-empty array')